Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Blog #11

 EOTO- What Did I Learn?

By-Ava Daniels

One presentation that I found very interesting was given by Sloan Wood on the topic of whistleblowers. Before this presentation, I knew about whistleblowers but not the correct word that describes them. In a class that I took called website design, we were tasked to research, learn, and write an essay about Edward Snowden so this made me familiar with the concept, just not the word “whistleblower”. 

Who is Edward Snowden and what makes him a whistleblower? In the year of 2013, former CIA systems administrator and computer expert Edward Snowden did what many people might consider to be the impossible; He released confidential government documents to the press from the National Security Agency when he was employed by them. Snowden had raised concerns to other people through his job before releasing the documents, but was ultimately ignored. This caused him to take things a step further and release the confidential documents. This is what a Whistleblower is; a person who reports things to the public such as corruption, fraud, or misuse of private information. Because whistleblowers can be external or internal and sometimes work for the government, most companies have policies in place for people to discreetly report wrongdoing that they may witness while working. 

There are pros and cons to whistleblowing. One of the pros is that the public or other people who work for a company will now be informed of this wrongdoing. One con is that you put your job title at risk even though you might be doing a good thing.  

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