Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Blog Post #7


By- Ava Daniels

After exploring the ANTIWAR and American Conservative websites online, I am surprised about the tone in which the articles and pages were written. The content on both of these sites is not typically what would be broadcasted on a larger and more popular mainstream news station, or to the public in general because of the voices being openly antiwar. I think personally, I am not used to seeing strong antiwar voices such as these for a few reasons. The first reason being that I do not really keep up with current events like the ones talked about in these articles. I have also never heard of these websites because of this. Another reason why I think that voices like these are not represented or seen in mainstream news stations is because I think that coverage about war and conflicts going on in the world are what people would rather see. I think that more people are likely to watch and read mainstream media if it has something to do with a tragic event. I also think this is the reason that it is harder to find websites such as these examples in order to hear strong antiwar voices. 

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